FSA for Coal Tar, Blends & Asphalt Emulsion Sealers
Latex Sealcoat Additive for Faster Drying Times. The original fast sealing additive from Maintenance, Inc. improves gas and oil resistance, stops tracking and dries fast while enhancing the flexibility of the sealer film. FSA does not thicken sealer but improves sand dispersion while reducing curing time by 50% or more.
FSA AE Asphalt Emulsion
Product Improver for Asphalt Emulsion Based Sealer. Reduce curing times by at least 50% or more, help reduce sand roll-out, reduce power steering marking and tracking problems, improve bonding, and thickens asphalt-based sealers. Use with all asphalt emulsion-based sealers or blends. Specifically formulated for use with asphalt emulsion-based sealers. Works in all asphalt-based emulsions and provides superior water and abrasion resistance.
Oxi-Bond Latex Primer for Coal Tar Sealers
Improves bonding of coal tar sealers. A highly efficient easy-to-use primer for exposed aggregate or polished asphalt, old porous or oxidized surfaces, oil spots and fresh hot mix patches. Oxi-Bond primer improves the performance and longevity of all coal tar sealers applied over it.
- Application: Dilute 50/50 with water. Apply by spray, brush, or roller.
- Drying Time: 30-60 minutes for subsequent seal coating.
- Coverage: 180-360 sq. ft. per gallon (.025-.05 gallon /SY)